Heliograf API
Images in Heliograf are stored in daily Zip files, updated once daily... (which may differ in NRT channels, to be implemented later...) Images are available in various sizes, usually 1024px, 512px, 160px, 80px, and daily grids with tiles 160px or 80px, and monthly grids one image daily...
While SDO / AIA makes one image in 4K resolution for each channel each 12 seconds, making literally petabytes of data in FITS format, and NASA / GSFC provides "Browse" jpegs one for every ten minutes, and JSOC provides 1K Fits files every 2 minutes, here in Heliograf there is quality-checked selection for fast browsing, resized to 1K resolution or 512px usually from 2K Jpegs or 1K Fits files, some channels have 8 images daily in 3 hour step, some 24 images daily in 1 hour step, in some channels when there is something interesting happening, it may be sub-divided into 20 minutes or 10 minutes step...
The Channels here are usually post-processed and combined from multiple source channels, as described in individual Channel pages... (maybe sometimes later there will also be unprocessed original jpeg channels for 171,193,304 channels...?)
List of available Channels is below ...
Listing of available images is available usually in Simplified JSON format - names are not quoted unless necessary... Since many browsers insist on quoting names, you can use javascript routine jsonParse()
for input and jsonStr()
for output, available in dynui52.js, or javascript eval(jsonText)
... (Similar routine for PHP is available on request...)
Every "Channel" has its front-end in a virtual "sub-dir" in /Hg , with lowercase channel code following, like /Hg/ch/ is html front-end component, individual images can be accessed via various url links below that path, like /Hg/ch/20230731_1500_Mix171_193_1024px.jpg:nearest , and listings from urls like /Hg/ch/listing/20231101.json ... (as described in more detail below in Comments section...)
The Channel also supports browsing by (virtual) directories:
You may try: /Hg/ch/2023/ /Hg/ch/2023/07/ /Hg/ch/2023/07/31/ leads to /Hg/ch/2023/07/31/20230731_1602_Mix171_193_1024px.jpg which is available regardless of actual sub-dir below the Channel path ...
Actually it is stored on server in dataPath/CH/2023/20230731_CH.zip
, also available for download, as described below...
The user interface html accepts time code in url "search" specifier /Hg/ch/?230731_1600 to open on specified time...
Described in more detail in Comments section below...